
Sales process automation: How great sales teams become outstanding

Process Street product

Trusted by more than 3000 companies

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Connect, collaborate and conquer your targets with Process Street

Win more deals… faster!

Unleash the power of sales process automation with Process Street. We help your sales team eliminate task duplication and unnecessary complications, freeing up vital time for relationship building and deal closure using our dynamic sales software.

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Transform your sales playbook into a winning formula

Every high-performing sales team knows the value of consistent and proven strategies. Process Street provides robust features that ensure seamless compliance and regularity in your sales operations, making it an invaluable sales tool.

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One team, unified by one goal

Empower your sales team with process management that supports real-time collaboration. Our platform ensures that everyone stays on the same page, leading to improved team productivity and heightened deal-closing capabilities.

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Boost sales IQ: Get insights at a glance

Our platform delivers precise reporting and analytics that empower your sales teams to evaluate process effectiveness, monitor progress, and refine successful strategies with the help of our cutting-edge Process AI.

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Harmonize your sales tools

Process Street easily integrates with your current CRM system and other sale tools. This seamless integration ensures easy adoption by your team while ensuring no potential leads falls through the cracks.

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For teams from startup to stardom

As your sales team grows, Process Street easily scales to meet your expanding needs. Whether your team is 5 or 500, we can help manage and optimize your sales processes, supporting your ongoing.

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Common use cases
Lead Management
Create workflows that facilitate deal prospects from the initial conversation stage until closing the deal and ensure deal accuracy and accountability.

Managing leads manually can be overwhelming, leading to missed opportunities and low conversion rates.

Process Street Solution

With Workflows, the process of managing leads from acquisition to conversion is automated, ensuring no lead falls through the cracks and improving conversion rates.

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Sales Forecasting
Sales Pipeline Management
Proposal and Contract Management
Team Commission Tracking

Popular templates

Customer Onboarding
1. Input account manager details
2. Send contract for signing
3. Decide if there is opportunity for expansion
Sales Metrics Report
  1. 1. Gather organic data from the analytics tools
  2. 2. Compare performance
  3. 3. Identify action items to improve service delivery
MEDDIC Sales Process
  1. 1. Clarify the decision-making process
  2. 2. Consider how your solution could ease pain
  3. 3. Find your champion
Order Processing
  1. 1. Check product is in stock
  2. 2. Notify customer of delivery confirmation
  3. 3. Assign a follow up to check customer satisfaction
Churn Prevention
  1. 1. Identify key points of value
  2. 2. Identify the root cause(s) of the problem
  3. 3. Describe your ideas to increase value
Sales Competitive Analysis
  1. 1. Identify key terms/messaging
  2. 2. Identify recent popular posts
  3. 3. Evaluate their pricing plan
Generate a custom workflow in seconds using AI

Backed by happy clients

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“With Process Street we've been able to bring documentation to life…allowing use to adapt processes quickly, improve governance and achieve consistent results”
Linda White
Head of Technology Services and Lease Administration Colliers International
"A huge win"
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Alex Hauer
Alex Hauer
Senior Success Consultant, Salesforce
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"It was the right choice for us"
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Chelsea Lynch
Chelsea Lynch
Manager of CS operations, Bentobox
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An industry-leading solution

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