
All posts by Oliver Peterson

Client Onboarding 101 with Adam Schweickert of Wetmore Consulting Group

client onboarding 101Adam Schweickert at Wetmore Consulting Group uses Process Street to help their clients document, improve, and automate their processes.

Out of Wetmore Consulting Group, we’ve built a company that now focuses solely on identifying, documenting, and then building our clients processes within Process Street. So, that’s how our company came about. That’s what we do. – Adam Schweickert

This article is based on a segment from Process Street‘s Highway 2021 virtual event, where Adam gives us a detailed walkthrough of his onboarding process for new clients.

Client Onboarding 101 with Adam Schweickert of Wetmore Consulting Group was the fifth segment in Process Street’s Highway event.

You can check out our playlist of the full Highway event here, and make sure to sign up for free with Process Street!

Here’s the Client Onboarding 101 segment with Adam Schweickert in full:

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Podcast: Onboarding Best Practices from a Digital Nomad CEO

digital onboarding best practices

Ever wondered if your new hire’s first ‘hello’ could be from a chatbot? Or if that glowing quarterly review could someday be delivered by an AI?

Tune in to our latest episode of Process Street’s Employee Onboarding Podcast, where Erin and Max Sher pull back the curtain on the future of employee onboarding, training, and those all-important ‘wow’ moments.

Discover why some traditions are worth keeping and where technology could step in to elevate the experience!

This episode covers:

  • Sher Agency structure & dynamics (as a globally distributed web design team)
  • How Max scaled up from a solo entrepreneur to a global team
  • How to improve digital onboarding efficiency
  • Important lessons Max learned about digital onboarding
  • How culture plays into good onboarding (especially remote)
  • The quest for the employee “wow” moment
  • Thoughts on the future of employee onboarding (including the role of AI)

You can listen on AppleSpotifyGooglePodchaserPodcast AddictDeezer, & all your favorite podcast platforms!

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Podcast: The ‘Wow’ Factor: Rethinking Employee Onboarding & Retention

wow factor employee onboarding

In a world where employees are increasingly treated as mere cogs in a machine, new approaches to onboarding can provide a much-needed breath of fresh air, and help to unlock the potential to transform the way companies view and treat their workforce.

In this episode of Process Street’s Employee Onboarding Podcast, we’ve got a riveting conversation between Erica Gordon Roberts and our host Erin Rice, who discuss a unique onboarding strategy that doesn’t just tick the boxes but also establishes a deep-rooted emotional connection with new hires.

We’ll delve into:

  • The Importance of Buddy Programs
    • How different companies implement it
    • The unique approach to pairing ‘opposite’ employees
  • The Role of Intentional Pairing
    • Criteria for pairing, including different offices, roles, and personality traits
    • The objective of fostering diverse perspectives and inclusivity
  • The “Wow Factor” in Onboarding
    • Personalizing the onboarding experience through gifts
    • The process of gathering personal information to tailor the experience
  • Impact on Employee Retention
    • The link between personalized onboarding and longer tenure
    • How even those who leave become brand ambassadors
  • Company Culture and Onboarding
    • The influence of these practices on overall corporate culture
    • Real-life examples of the types of gifts given
  • Emotional Connection and Employee Loyalty
    • How small gestures can create a long-lasting emotional bond
    • Examples of the kinds of emotional connections made
  • Positive Experiences Upon Leaving a Company
    • The concept of turning even departing employees into brand ambassadors
    • Celebrating employees’ new opportunities

Join us as we explore the psychological underpinnings of this approach and its profound impact on employee retention and company culture. Discover why it’s the small, thoughtful gestures that can make the biggest difference, turning what could have been a forgettable start into an inspiring journey that employees will treasure for years to come.

You can listen on AppleSpotifyGooglePodchaserPodcast AddictDeezer, & all your favorite podcast platforms!

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Digital Employee Engagement Unplugged (How to Build Remote Culture & Trust)

digital employee engagement

Want to take your onboarding to the next level? You’re in for a treat with our latest podcast featuring Erin and Wristy, who dive into some game-changing approaches to humanizing the workplace and leveling up your team culture.

If you’re an HR pro, team leader, or just a culture-curious individual, this one’s for you.

Here’s what we’ll unpack:

  • “Culture Add” vs. “Culture Fit”: What’s the Real Deal?
  • The Power of a Team Charter: Saying Goodbye to Lengthy Presentations
  • Q&A Rounds: A Safe Space to Ask Anything
  • Buddy System & Mentorship: Two Sides of the Same Coin?
  • Creating “Wow” Moments in Onboarding
  • Ownership & Accountability: Why Your Employees Will Stick Around

So, if you’re ready to get some actionable insights straight from the experts, read on!

You can listen on AppleSpotifyGooglePodchaserPodcast AddictDeezer, & all your favorite podcast platforms!

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Podcast #12: Secrets of Globally Distributed Onboarding (Justine Van den Mooter)

globally distributed onboarding

In this podcast episode, we interview Justine Van den Mooter from Qwilr about designing an effective onboarding experience.

We discuss creating a comprehensive onboarding process for all new hires, regardless of their role or location, fostering manager involvement, and providing a supportive environment for new employees.

Justine shares her experience in revamping Qwilr’s onboarding process and highlights the importance of proactive communication, personalized tasks, and maintaining excitement throughout the onboarding period. We also touch upon the challenges of onboarding in a globally distributed company.

Overall, the episode emphasizes the significance of a well-designed onboarding process in creating a positive employee experience.

You can listen on AppleSpotifyGooglePodchaserPodcast AddictDeezer, & all your favorite podcast platforms!

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Process AI: The Future of Process Management is Here

process ai artificial intelligence process management

For a decade, we’ve been on a mission to revolutionize recurring work. 

We’re proud to have helped teams like Salesforce, MIT, Colliers, and Hartford Healthcare streamline their business operations, and our innovation has attracted funding from renowned investors like Accel, Salesforce Ventures, and Atlassian Ventures. 

We built the world’s easiest-to-use business process management platform, accessible without engineering support. Then we made it available on Slack, Teams, iOS, and Android, empowering teams to work from anywhere with one-click approvals, quick-fill forms, and powerful automations.

Now, we’re excited to announce the next phase of our journey, the evolution of our product from a workflow management tool to an AI-powered process platform. 

Introducing Process AI, a next-gen process management platform powered by AI and ChatGPT.

P.S. We’ve just launched Process AI on Product Hunt, so feel free to support us over there!

In this blog post, we’ll look at:

  • Why traditional process management is hard
  • Process AI: Next-gen process management
  • What Process AI can do
  • The future of process management 
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What is ISO 14000? EMS Basics & Implementation (Environmental Management)

iso 14000

If the United Nations Environment Programme is to be taken seriously, the current generation is the last generation with a realistic chance of kick-starting the processes necessary to halt or reverse the looming global crisis of climate change.

“We are clearly the last generation that can change the course of climate change, but we are also the first generation with its consequences,” Kristalina Georgieva, the CEO of the World Bank.

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Prioritization Matrix 101: What, How & Why? (Free Template)

Prioritization Matrix

As humans, we tend to focus more on the things we need to do than the things we’ve already done. This so-called “Zeigarnik effect”, named after Russian psychologist Bluma Zeigarnik, means our minds are often swimming with all of the tasks, responsibilities, and mental notes that we think we should be focusing on. That’s where Prioritization Matrix can help!

All of these tasks and projects that need doing, this mental to-do list, without a clear hierarchy of importance can make it difficult for us to stay focused and actually get things done.

One way to combat all of this Zeigarnik noise is to note down everything. Make an actual to-do list. Studies have been done, and it has been shown that the very act of noting down tasks can quite simply “make you more effective”.

But, even with a to-do list, before you actually get anything done it’s necessary to have a clear idea of your priorities.

Sounds simple enough, right? Unfortunately, figuring out what to prioritize can be hard. It’s a complicated process that involves weighing up cost against value, effort against time, and for a lot of businesses, will likely involve many different stakeholders.

The solution is to work out a process for determining what to prioritize.

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How to Achieve Achieve Success With Customer Feedback System

customer feedback system

Customer feedback system is what every business needs to succeed.

Why? Let me explain.

There will always be people in this world that want something from you. Whether you are a business, an individual, or a group, people are needy.

Most company inboxes have a significant number of feature requests. Some of them make a lot of sense and some of them are probably pretty out there.

But whether customers are asking for something that you already have on your roadmap, or something that isn’t even tangentially related to your product, you still owe it to your customers to respond.

In this article, we’ll cover:

So, let’s get started!
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42 Productivity Hacks to Work Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger

productivity hacks

Self-control is over-hyped, according to Kentaro Fujita, a psychologist who studies self-control at Ohio State University.

Research suggests that the popular idea of self-control as the ability to resist temptation with willpower is fundamentally flawed.

“Our prototypical model of self-control is angel on one side and devil on the other, and they battle it out. We tend to think of people with strong willpower as people who are able to fight this battle effectively. Actually, the people who are really good at self-control never have these battles in the first place.” – Kentaro Fujita, psychologist at Ohio State University

How does this tie in with productivity? If you ask anyone what is the biggest challenge they face in trying to be productive, a likely response will involve something about a “lack of willpower”, or perhaps a difficulty staying focused.

These kinds of responses represent the popular understanding of what it means to exercise self-control.

The most productive people don’t necessarily have the best self-control, they just know how to work smart.

They’ve also most likely built up a lot of good work habits for saving time and effort, allowing them to alleviate some of the stress or discomfort that is one of the root causes of unproductivity.

In this article, I’ll outline 42 productivity hacks to help you understand how to work smarter, improve the quality of your work life, and build habits that will save you time, energy, and mental strain in the long-term.

Here’s the complete list of productivity hacks:

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